Benefits of:
Better for the Environment -
Solvent based paints with elevated concentrations can persist in the air long after painting is completed.
Waterborne paint has reduced VOC emissions, improving air quality, and reducing the health risk. Low odor as well.
Healthier for your staff -
Waterborne paint has reduced VOC emissions, improving air quality, and reducing the health risk. Low odor as well.
Low VOC's -
Meets all global standards, compliant everywhere.
Saves Time & Money -
Adheres directly to most substrates, eliminates the need for primer and/or adhesion promoter
fibre glass
Saves More Time -
No need for reducing, go straight from the can to the spray gun.
- 45 day dip window
- It's sandable, if you get a run or dust ribs, no worries, sand it out, and dip right to it.
- Can be dipped too in a matter of 20 minutes, so less down time between paint and dip
- Can be handled immediately after dip, not damaging the printed image
- Works great with many different activators
- Dissolved PVA actually rinses of quicker, less in the rinse station
* Flame treat required for polypropylene, additional adhesion promoter may be required